We have had 11 teachers because of the holidays and such. Here is some information on the ones we have had more than once who were amazing!
Brother Kohler is teaching us everything we need to know by helping us learn it for ourselves. He knows the scriptures and Preach My Gospel really well from cover to cover. Like you! He'd make a great seminary or institute teacher. He just got back from his mission a few months ago.
Another is amazing at presenting things visually, like organizing notes particularly well, or when she had us walk to specific murals around the building to read the corresponding scripture and description and write down our answers to the questions given.
For example, I wrote: Alma the Younger:

He fasted and prayed so that he could find out if the church was true for himself; he testified that it was the spirit who bore witness of it to Him
Q: Have I experienced a mighty change of heart?
A: Not to the degree he did, but yes. I am doing my best to be devoted to Him instead of just thinking of things how I want to see them.
On the right is a picture of the mural.
Her name is Sister Ditto, who loves puns and even ASKED us to make jokes about her name to see if we could come up with anything good!

Brother Lucero really helps us see and work through things from the investigator's perspective. He's a really good actor, too! We get to practice the stuff we've been taught on him, and he gives us really good and effective feedback on how to do even better! Twice this week, we learned how to ask really effective questions and how to ask about people without it sounding like an interrogation. He even showed us how to let investigators figure things out for themselves by just asking questions - most people already have an idea of what the truth is, and then we just connect what they already know to the gospel. It's super cool!
Brother Lucero told us that he didn't really have some HUGE spiritual moments in his mission, like the one you hear about in talks [as far as he knows] but the important part was that he helped people find the gospel for themselves, and taught them in such a way that the people he converted have the skills to be able to figure things out for themselves,and continue to come to Christ in their own.

Brother Bronson is pointing to himself in the picture [in a hallway in the MTC]. His classes always fry our brains and leave us exhausted. We keep just drilling things over and OVER and ovER AND oVer aND Overrrr again and again and agaiinnn :) Like, we definitely learn, but it's exhausting.
In-field orientation was all about the other things you have to do when you're not teaching: stuff they don't cover in class, like finding people and working with members and goal setting and whatnot.