March 5
Jeanette has found a companion as jubilant as she is! "Sister Bawden and I have so much fun together, even in some of the smaller things. We're both very enthusiastic and have fun working together! "
And they had a dog story together.
(Mom, you're probably gonna freak out for this one. Sit down first lol)
On Tuesday, after the sun had gone down, we went to try and visit a part-member family. There are two roads that have the same name (a common thing in Courtenay) and we could only find the one. Except it was after dark, so we could barely read the house numbers! We finally read enough to realize that the house we were looking for was not on that side of the road. On out way out from the road, we drove by a part that looked out over the harbour. It was so pretty! The moon was very bright, and it reflected all over the water. And you could see the lights from Comox across the harbour as well! And those lights were also reflected in the water. We stopped for a little bit to take in the view. I tried to take pictures, but it wasn't bright enough to capture anything. There is one picture that I uploaded that has the lights from the other side of the harbour, but you can't really see much. :( But! Then
We got back in the car and tried to find the other half of the road. The only side of it that we could find had big DO NOT ENTER signs all over it. Sooo we were good missionaries and followed the laws of the land, haha. We drove around and parked in a nearby complex, then asked around for instructions (mixed with normal missionary finding. Asking for directions is a pretty easy way to start a conversation ;P ) and we FINALLY found the other half of the road. We walked down it, struggling to read the numbers on the houses. There were no street lights, so it was very dark. But we finally found it! I was the very last house (obviously, with our luck hahaha) but that house had huge NO TRESPASSING signs and other signs with the general message of not waning people on their property. It also looked like they had cameras and motion sensors all around the house! Sister Bawden and I both stopped at the gates, and decided that we should come back another time. We went to turn around to head back to the car, and Sister Bawden SCREAMED SO LOUDLY! Which spooked me pretty badly as well. I turned to try to see was she was looking at, but she was right in front of me, so I couldn't see! Except that suddenly she wasn't in front of me. She was running away, going behind me! And I saw, right ahead on the path, a big, dark, shadow. In the direction that we needed to go in order to get back to the path. There was this big, new loud noise, and-
...oh. It's a dog.
...a very big dog, coming towards us.
...oohhhh, I should probably do something.
(Mom, your story of a dog walking past you to bite at your companion came to mind at this time. Hope you know I've been thinking of you.)
The dog barked again, but it stopped running in order to do that. So, I jumped into action and ran TOWARDS IT, (smart, I know.) making lots of noise and flapping my arms. It worked! The dog ran away, back into the bushes. Sister Bawden had seen me run at the dog, so she turned around and ran back to me. I grabbed her hand and we BOOKED IT down the road to get out of there! One of the people that we had asked for directions earlier was still in the parking lot, and asked if we had found it. We both tried to answer, but we were both too out of breath to get anything coherent out. Then, while we were standing outside of our car trying to catch our breaths, (and I had started to laugh at how stupid the whole situation was) a lady came out of the complex. Sister Bawden tried to do our normal finding investigators spiel, but she was still out of whack from it all, and that only made me laugh harder. So I was laughing too hard to even try to talk to the poor lady, and I couldn't help Sister Bawden, either. So we sat back in the car and took a few minutes to calm down and figure out where we should go now, since this family we had tried to visit WAS our backup plan. After we did, we drove out of the complex's parking lot. The road out of the lot intersects with the road that we had just ran off of. At that intersection were two men and a big dog. Probably the same one. We tried to be as inconspicuous as possible, lol. So, obviously, that meant the Sister Bawden stomped on the gas on the way out of there! And then we were gone.

Sister Bawden is laughing at me now because I was laughing so hard trying to type out this whole story. Literally for the past half an hour. Straight. I'm not typing this out again!
Jeanette has found a companion as jubilant as she is! "Sister Bawden and I have so much fun together, even in some of the smaller things. We're both very enthusiastic and have fun working together! "
And they had a dog story together.
(Mom, you're probably gonna freak out for this one. Sit down first lol)
On Tuesday, after the sun had gone down, we went to try and visit a part-member family. There are two roads that have the same name (a common thing in Courtenay) and we could only find the one. Except it was after dark, so we could barely read the house numbers! We finally read enough to realize that the house we were looking for was not on that side of the road. On out way out from the road, we drove by a part that looked out over the harbour. It was so pretty! The moon was very bright, and it reflected all over the water. And you could see the lights from Comox across the harbour as well! And those lights were also reflected in the water. We stopped for a little bit to take in the view. I tried to take pictures, but it wasn't bright enough to capture anything. There is one picture that I uploaded that has the lights from the other side of the harbour, but you can't really see much. :( But! Then
We got back in the car and tried to find the other half of the road. The only side of it that we could find had big DO NOT ENTER signs all over it. Sooo we were good missionaries and followed the laws of the land, haha. We drove around and parked in a nearby complex, then asked around for instructions (mixed with normal missionary finding. Asking for directions is a pretty easy way to start a conversation ;P ) and we FINALLY found the other half of the road. We walked down it, struggling to read the numbers on the houses. There were no street lights, so it was very dark. But we finally found it! I was the very last house (obviously, with our luck hahaha) but that house had huge NO TRESPASSING signs and other signs with the general message of not waning people on their property. It also looked like they had cameras and motion sensors all around the house! Sister Bawden and I both stopped at the gates, and decided that we should come back another time. We went to turn around to head back to the car, and Sister Bawden SCREAMED SO LOUDLY! Which spooked me pretty badly as well. I turned to try to see was she was looking at, but she was right in front of me, so I couldn't see! Except that suddenly she wasn't in front of me. She was running away, going behind me! And I saw, right ahead on the path, a big, dark, shadow. In the direction that we needed to go in order to get back to the path. There was this big, new loud noise, and-
...oh. It's a dog.
...a very big dog, coming towards us.
...oohhhh, I should probably do something.
(Mom, your story of a dog walking past you to bite at your companion came to mind at this time. Hope you know I've been thinking of you.)
The dog barked again, but it stopped running in order to do that. So, I jumped into action and ran TOWARDS IT, (smart, I know.) making lots of noise and flapping my arms. It worked! The dog ran away, back into the bushes. Sister Bawden had seen me run at the dog, so she turned around and ran back to me. I grabbed her hand and we BOOKED IT down the road to get out of there! One of the people that we had asked for directions earlier was still in the parking lot, and asked if we had found it. We both tried to answer, but we were both too out of breath to get anything coherent out. Then, while we were standing outside of our car trying to catch our breaths, (and I had started to laugh at how stupid the whole situation was) a lady came out of the complex. Sister Bawden tried to do our normal finding investigators spiel, but she was still out of whack from it all, and that only made me laugh harder. So I was laughing too hard to even try to talk to the poor lady, and I couldn't help Sister Bawden, either. So we sat back in the car and took a few minutes to calm down and figure out where we should go now, since this family we had tried to visit WAS our backup plan. After we did, we drove out of the complex's parking lot. The road out of the lot intersects with the road that we had just ran off of. At that intersection were two men and a big dog. Probably the same one. We tried to be as inconspicuous as possible, lol. So, obviously, that meant the Sister Bawden stomped on the gas on the way out of there! And then we were gone.
Sister Bawden is laughing at me now because I was laughing so hard trying to type out this whole story. Literally for the past half an hour. Straight. I'm not typing this out again!
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